on Svit Sprav
📌 Personal trainings of gymnastics for kids and teenagers.
Best gymnastics coaches
ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS LESSONS are already on Svitanok App 💙 💛 After all, there are no people 🤔 who would doubt the benefit of gymnastics, it is precisely it that contributes to the comprehensive physical development of the human body 💪🏻 improves movement coordination🤸🏻 trains endurance🏃🏻 improves the functioning of the nervous system💆🏻🧠 accelerates blood circulation🫀 activates exchange processes🤝🏻 The habit of regular gymnastics classes perfectly organizes, disciplines any person🙋🏻 You will learn to appreciate time, forget about constant pain, become more attractive, younger 💃🏻 Don't waste time 🕛 exercise regularly!🏋🏻⛹🏻 #sport #gymnast #gymnastics #gymnastics lessons #athlete #coach #training #athletics #athletics #sports #sportlife #sport #ukraine #gymnastics

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Художня гімнастика — вид спорту, спортивна дисципліна, що поєднує в собі елементи балету, гімнастики і танцю Розвиває гнучкість тіла і силу м'язів, стійкість і відчуття рівноваги, спритність і координацію рухів